The Team - Southampton

Prof. Jakub Bijak MSc, PhD (Principal investigator)
Professor of Statistical Demography
Professor Jakub Bijak is Professor of Statistical Demography within the Department of Social Statistics & Demography at the University of Southampton.

Prof. Philip Higham BSc, PhD (Co-investigator)
Professor of Experimental Psychology
Professor Philip Higham is Professor of Experimental Psychology within Psychology at the University of Southampton. His research focuses on long-term human memory and metacognition, with a particular focus on conditions that promote long-term learning both inside and outside the classroom.

Prof. Peter WF Smith (Co-investigator)
Professor of Social Statistics
Professor Peter WF Smith is Professor of Social Statistics within the Department of Social Statistics & Demography at the University of Southampton. He is a Fellow of the British Academy.

Dr Jason Hilton PhD (Co-investigator)
Lecturer in Social Statistics and Data Science

Dr Martin Hinsch PhD (Researcher)
Research Fellow
Martin Hinsch is a Research Fellow in Social Statistics and Demography at the University of Southampton. He is working on models of human migration as part of the ERC project Bayesian Agent-based Population Studies (BAPS).

Dr Sarah Nurse, PhD (Researcher)
Senior Research Assistant
Sarah Nurse is a Research Fellow in Social Statistics and Demography at the University of Southampton.

Dr Toby Prike, PhD (Researcher)
Senior Research Assistant
Toby Prike is a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton. He is working on the Bayesian Agent-based Population Studies (BAPS) project, focusing on the decision-making process.

Ms Ariana Modirrousta-Galian (Researcher)
Senior Research Assistant
Ariana Modirrousta-Galian is a psychology postgraduate student and senior research assistant at the University of Southampton.

Dr Souhila Belabbas (Researcher)
Research Fellow
Dr Souhila Belabbas. Social and cultural anthropologist by training. My PhD research examined the everyday and online practices of identity among Kabyle immigrants in the UK who were simultaneously embedded within the Kabyle transnational social field.
The Team - Rostock

Prof. Dr. habil Adelinde Uhrmacher (Co-investigator)
University of Rostock - Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing
Professor Adelinde Uhrmacher heads the Modeling and Simulation research group within the Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing, University of Rostock, Germany

Mr Oliver Reinhardt, MSc (Senior Research Assistant)
University of Rostock - Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing
Mr Oliver Reinhardt is a researcher in the Modeling and Simulation research group within the Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing, University of Rostock